St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church has been the spiritual and cultural center for the Armenian community in Pasadena and surrounding areas for over 60 years. Since the first meeting of the St. Gregory parish council in 1947, the church grounds have burgeoned into a dynamic complex that currently includes our newly built sanctuary, the recently renovated and updated church hall, and the Alfred and Marguerite Hovsepian Day School. The parishioners – with Archpriest Rev. Fr. Sarkis Petoyan serving as pastor – has more than 170 active members and oversees various organizations which serve to strengthen the spiritual, cultural and educational life of our members. These include the Ladies’ Society, Men’s Forum, Saturday School and Sunday School, ACYO, Choir and Friendship Club.

St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church welcomes you to participate in our weekly Divine Liturgy – the spiritual celebration which has been a religious tradition for Armenian Christians for over 1,700 years. We hope you will have the opportunity to share in the meaning and experience of our worship, and also to become a part of the St. Gregory family. Services are held each Sunday beginning at 10AM, and are usually followed by a fellowship gathering immediately afterwards.

Office Hours: Tues. – Sat. 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

Important Update on Parish Activities

Out of caution regarding the Coronavirus, St. Gregory Parish Council is heeding the advice of the Western Diocese and local health authorities regarding our parish schedule of activities. We will continue to offer our services in person but with added safety of masks and social distancing.

By taking such precautionary measures and following commonsense healthcare measures, we pray that the word community will quickly rebound.

Deacon Vahe Charkhutian
Director of Fellowship Ministry
St. Gregory Armenian Church


Each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in person, however in the interest of public health, we ask you wear masks and social distance and observe the services and spiritual message, which will be streamlined over our YouTube Channel.

Information on the remainder of the Holy Week Liturgical Schedule will be updated regularly. We are praying for better news…